This Guy Recreates Iconic Pop Culture Characters & Posters And They Are Brilliantly Bad

Anucha ‘Cha’ Saengchart from Bangkok, Thailand is a cosplay enthusiast who loves to imitate famous characters from movies, TV, comics and anime.
Saengchart recreates iconic pop culture characters and posters using household objects and a little imagination and the results are bad. They are so bad, they are good. Take a look at some of his most hilarious cosplays:
1. Ursula from The Little Mermaid
2. Durotan from Worlds of Warcraft
3. The tiger mask
4. Gintoki Sakata
5. Mowgli from The Jungle Book
6. E.T.
7. Batman
8. Wolverine
9. Ariel from The Little Mermaid
10. A diva
11. Donald Duck
You can follow this brilliant artist here.