This Intagram account has men spoofing the clichéd photos that women are often guilty of posting on the photo sharing app.
The Instagram account was created founded by Atlanta-based blogger Ashley Hesseltine and a group of her male friends in 2014 and currently has over 430k followers.
This is what happens when men pose like women:
#TreatYoselfTuesday is our fave day of the week! Tonight we treated our tootsies! 👣💃🏼 #PediPartyOf7 #ToesBeforeHoes #TreatYoFeet #PrimpedAndPolished 💅🏼#EssieForMyBesties #NoCallusZone 🙅🏼#ExbroliationTreatment #ToeHairDontCare #CanklePorn #CircleOfLife #BrosBeingBasic
Just loving life and having a blast! 🙆🏼🎉🍷🍾💃🏼 #Winesday! #GuysNight! #BroséAllDay #TooBlessedToBeStressed #Besties #LoveHim #GuyTalk 😜 #SoMuchFun #BestNightEver #BottomsUp! #FlowerCrownFilter #LiveLaughLoveYourselfie #FutureSoBright #IAintSorry #GirlBye✌🏼️ #BrosBeingBasic (pic via @alfonsowenker)
"I'm gonna lean up against you, you just lean right back against me, that way we don't have to sleep with our heads in the mud." 👯 #FestieBesties #QOTD #EbonyAndIvory #ManBunMonday #MCMgoals #BubbaGumpMoreLikeBubbaHump 🍤🍤🍤 #HangOutWithYourWangOut #BaeCaughtUsLounging #DatGrassDoe 🌱 #SittinPretty #SunsOutManBunsOut #SkiesOutThighsOut #NoSleeveZone 💪🏼💪🏼 #WristbandsWillMakeHerDance #FeelinOurselves #SweetBroAlabama #BrosBeingBasic at #HangoutFest via our faves @ejadams17 & @tribblereese
#WorldHummusDay has us like 👯👇🏼👍🏼 So #blessed to be celebrating with my bestie and our fave snack! 😍😍😍 #HappyHummusDay #ItsACelebaetion #WhenIDipYouDipWeDip #SunsUpThumbsUp #BrosBeforeHoes #ChickpeasBeforeChicksPlease ✋🏼 #SnacksOnSnacksOnSnacks #PitaPimps #HummusAndWineAlwaysAGoodTime 🍷🍷🍷 #ReadyForTheFleekend 🎉 #BoysNight! #SoMuchHummus #SabraMoreLikeSaBruh #GetHimToTheGreek #OliveYou ❤️ #BrosBeingBasic via @hotdudesandhummus (yes that's a real account 🙌🏼)
#FashionBlogging is so much more fun with a friend! 👯💕 Don't you just love this candid brick wall shot? 💁🏼 #BloggingBesties #LikeToKnowIt #TwinningTuesday #HesABrick...House 🏠 #Casual #Laughter #TooBlessedToBeStressed #ModelVibes #PoseBeforeHoes #BricksBeforeChicks #PastelsAreLife 💓 #SaltLife #ShortsSeason #FeelTheBreezeOnYourKnees 💨 #PrettyEyesAndThickThighs #DontFrownJustThrowOnAPinkButtonDown #QOTD #Brotivational #BrosBeingBasic #TagYourFaveBlogger 😂 via @bourb561
Omg what an ahhhhh-mazing night bonding with the besties! 👯👯🏀❤️ #BallinWithMyBiffles #MyLoves 😍 #LiveInTheMoment 🙌🏼 #CourtsideCuties #BlessedAndWellDressed #ClothesBeforeHoes #RichesBeforeBitches 💸💸💸#StayHumble #QualityTime #BroBonding #SnapchatBumbleInstaRepeat 👻🐝📸🔄 #SwipeSquad 👆🏼👆🏼 #NoFiltersNeeded 💁🏼#LegsCrossedLikeABoss #AnkleGameStrong #SocksForTheHawks #CalvesForTheCavs #WhatupLebron 🙋🏼 #WeOutchea #WaitWhoWon? 🤔 #BrosBeingBasic via @travismmay @jmarcusgriffin @thaaabill @cappsga
Ahhh what a beautiful day! 😍 I am #SoBlessed to have a job as an #InstagramModel that takes me all over the world! 🙌🏼 ✈️🌎#BlessedBeyondBelief #LivingTheDream #CareerGoals #IWokeUpLikeThis #ModelLife #OnBrocation #PoseBeforeHoes #OpenUpTheWinbro #EasyBreezyBeautiful #EnjoyTheView 💁🏼 #WanderlustWednesday #LovingGermany #CantWaitToSeeTheBROlinWall 🤗 #LiveLaughLoveTravel #BlessUp 🔑 #StayHumble #WillYouAcceptThisBrose? 🌹 #TowelDownBitches 👸🏼 #brosbeingbasic via @nicoleadara
"Cherish the Earth as if it were your last piece of pizza. Savor it, treat it kindly, and never let it go to waste." ❤️🍕 #EarthDay 🌎 #QOTD #InspirationalAF #EatPrayLove #HappyHeart #NaughtyByMotherNature #SideBendStrong #ObliquesOnFleek #EarthDayMoreLikeEarthBae #LiveInTheSunshine ☀️ #SwimInTheSea 🌊 #DrinkTheWildAir 💨 #AlsoDrinkRosé #IsItHappyHourYet? 🙄 #ItsWhatMotherNatureWouldHaveWanted #BrosBeingBasic via @lookitsaherron
I sooooo needed this today. A warm bath doesn't just warm the body; it warms the soul. ❤️🙌🏼🛀🏼 #QOTD #PamperPartyOfOne #WatchMeSip #MyCabernet-nay 🍷🍷#MeTime #TreatYoself #EarnedIt #WashAwayThoseTroubles #HaveASoakWithBubbles 😊#TooBlessedToBeStressed #FeelsLikeHeaven ⛅️ #TheHelp #KathrynStockett #YouIsKind #YouIsSmart #YouIsImportant #ReadyForBookClub 📚📖📔#MudMask #PoreCleaning #BaeCaughtMeBathing #CandlesInTheWind #ItsLit🕯 #WaxOnWaxOnWax #SkintimatesShaveGel #ProductWhore 💅🏼 #EatPrayBathe #BrosBeingBasic via @tjenks99 (photo cred @elterchi) #TBT 💥
OMG we've had the BEST time at #Brochella! 🙌🏼 Move over #Kendall and #Taylor, we definitely had the best #FestivalFashion this year. 💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼 #FamilyPhoto #FestiesWithOurBesties #FlowersOnFleek🌺🌺🌺 #QueensAlwaysWearCrowns 👸🏾 #YAASS #BeThinAndShowSomeSkin 👙 #TummyTime #HotPantsWillMakeHerDance #SquadGoalsMoreLikeQuadGoals #LegDayMoreLikeLegBae #CamelToeMoreLikeCamelBro 🐫 #SkiesOutThighsOut #ShadyLadies 😎😎😎 #BaeCaughtUsStruttin #AndWeSlayAllDay 🔪#okLadiesNowLetsGetInFormation 🙆🏽 #PoseBeforeHoes #CelebStatus #VIPBroseGarden 🌹 #Coachella2016 #IndibroCalifornia #BrosBeingBasic via @mikenardelli17 ➡️➡️➡️ PS follow our #Brochella adventures on Snapchat "brosbeingbasic" 💥
Happy #SoloCupSunday betches!!! ☀️🍾👬👬👬 #RedCupRosé #BottomlessMibrosas #ChampagneForMyRealFriends #RealPainForMyShamFriends 💁🏼 #WhiteBoyWasted #LayOutWithYourBaeOut #SunsOutBunsOut #CheeksOnFleek 🍑 #TreesOutKneesOut 🌴🌴🌴#LegsCrossedLikeABoss #ToesOverHoes 💅🏼 #BeachesOverBitches #SquadGoalsAndBodGoals #HappyKitties😻 #CutieClub #ShadeRoom😎😎😎 #SandyHairDontCare #SaltLife 🌊 #CaliforniaDreaming #BaeWatch👀 #WestieCoastIsTheBestieCoast 🙆🏼 #BrosBeingBasic via our fave #Sunbaes @bros.who.brunch
When there's an #EasterBonnet contest and ALL WE DO IS TWIN 💁🏼👒🏆 #BonnetGoals #TwinningAF #GoForTheBrold 🏅#WeveBeenFramed 😏 #ItsASelfieStickUp 👮🏼✋🏼✋🏼#BaeCaughtUsPosing #LookAtThisBrotograph 👀 #PoseBeforeHoes 💁🏼#PinterestPimps #CraftPorn #HattersGonnaHat #FlowersOnFleek🌺 #SkinnyArmStrong 💪🏼💪🏼 #TheseHipsDontLie #SundayFunbae #SlaySlayAllDay ☠ #EasterBunniesMoreLikeEasterHunnies 🐰 #BrosBeingBasic via @thmchrs & @tanner6294 (brotographer 📸 @katetweaver) the weekend! 💁🏼🍷🎉 #TGIFribae #NeverLookBack #BroséAllDay #HoldMyHandHoldMyHeart #BusinessCasual #DockersOnDeck #AlwaysWearPoloBecauseYOLO #LookinFineryAtTheWinery😏 #NapaVibes #SonomaMoreLikeSobrona #SipsAndStrokes #HeardItThroughTheBaeVine🍇 #WatchMeSip #MyChadonnay-nay #WineToursAreBores #JustGiveMeTheBottle😳 #WhiteBoyTasted #ThenWhiteBoyWasted😵 #OneForTheRoad #ReadyForTheFleekend #TooBlessedToBeStressed #BrosBeingBasic via @teddundon
Countdown to WEDDING DAY!!! 👰🏻 I just HAD to share a sneak peek of my #dudeoir photos from the ahhhh-mazing @masikamayphotography! 🙌🏼 Don't tell my feyoncé! 🙊😏 #Sneakagram👀 #LastPicsBeforeGettingHitched #PantyPartyOfOne #AgentBrovacateur #SexyAndSubtle #SavingTheRisquéForBae😊 #ChestHairDontCare #PrettyEyesAndThickThighs #LegsForDays #FeelinMyself #EngagedAF💍 #GroomGoals #BoudoirMoreLikeDudeoir #BrosBeingBasic
"Always be yourself. Unless you can be a mermaid. Then always be a mermaid." 🙌🏼 #QOTD #Finspirational🐋 #AllArielAllTheTime #MerMadeYaLook👀 #LoveTheFinsYoureIn #SaltLife #JustLookingForASaltWife🌊 #BeachBodyGoals #SassyAndSandy #ImAShoreThing😏 #LookAtMyGoatee #IsntItNeat? #WouldntYouSayMyFacialHairIsComplete? #TheBroWhoHas.....#Everything #MerMAN #BaeCaughtMeFlippin #DinglehopperDiva🍴 #ItsNotTheSizeOfYourTail #ItsTheMotionOfYourOcean😏 #BrosBeingBasic via @bob_lionelove
Why put pants on and go out to brunch when I have everything I need right here? 💁🏼 Brb, moving into the @fsatlanta. 😍🏨 #HeavenOnEarth #SundayFunbae #HoppedUpOutTheShowerTurnMySwagOn #DoNotDisturb🙅🏼 #MeTime #BottomlessMibrosas🍾🍾 #MiniBarGoals #CandyCrush #CuddledUpOnACloud☁️☁️☁️ #AllWhiteEverythang #BestBedsInTheBiz😴 #ManCandy😏 #AllTheRoomService #PutItOnMyTab💸 #RobesBeforeBros #NetflixAndChillTheChampagne #BaeCaughtMeSippin #ChillinAtTheFour #DontNeedNoReasonToStayAtTheSeason😎 #BrosBeingBasic @matthess87 @fsatlanta, our fave city hotel 💓
On Wednesdays we wear masks 💁🏼 Love #PamperTime with my bestest! 👯 #DatMaskDoe👻 #FacialsMoreLikeBaecials😏 #EbonyAndIvory #MuddyBuddies #CharcoalFlow #KISSvibes😜 #PimplePatrol #SkincareDontCare #BiorePoreStrips #NoseBeforeHoes👃🏼 #MasksBeforeAss #WineDrunkMoreLikeWineHunks 🍷🍷🍷 #BlessedToBeBeautiful🙌🏼 #LoveHim #TreatYoself #CutieAlert🤗 #BrosBeingBasic via @hairbycalisto
Omg this semester has FLOWN BY! Cannot believe we've been brothers for almost 3 months! 👬 #Blessed2bBrothers #BidDayMemories #FlashbackFribae #FraternityFribae #ChiPsiTilWeDie🙌🏽 #GreeksOnFleek #FrattyIssues😏 #BaeCaughtUsCuddling #ReadingRainbros #LegsCrossedLikeABoss #HoldMyHandHoldMyHeart❤️ #WatchMeWhipNowWatchMeLayLay #DatGrassDoe #StudyBuddies #YourMomGoesToCollege #LiveLaughBrotherlyLove #BrothersFromAnotherMother #SistersFromAnotherMister #ReadTogetherBleedTogether #ReadyForTheFleekend #ShotOClock⏲#BrosBeingBasic via @cdissin
Celebrating #InternationalCatDay with a little topless selfie action and my favorite pussy. 😏🐱🐈 #BetterThanChristmas #HappyCaturday #MirrorSelfieStrong #PussyWhipped #KittyPurry #AndYoureGonnaHearMePURR #ChestHairDontCare #BeardedBrosDoItBetter #JewFroOnFleek #MeowBetches #MansBestFriend #Biffles #Twinsies 👯 #CrazyCatDad #FelineFather #CatScratchFever #SomeKittensWaitALifetimeForAMewmentLikeThis #ForThatOneSpecialHiss #WaitFurIt #BrosBeingBasic via @basil_knows 😺😻😽