This Is How Much You Need To Exercise If You Sit All Day
Published: Aug 4, 2024

Sitting at your desk all day is not healthy for you at all. You may think that you’re resting but sitting all day and being in active is not what our bodies are meant for.

We’re supposed to hunt mammoths with our bodies!

Sitting for more than six hours a day increases your risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and even early death. Yes that’s how bad being inactive is for you.

Do you? Really?

Sitting all day is as bad as watching TV all day because again you’re not doing anything.

Netflix and go for a walk

To combat the effects of sitting all day which is harming your body you just need to do two things.

1. Get up and walk around every hour

Or skip skipping is good too


2. Exercise for at least half an hour everyday

It can be whatever you want, yoga, walking, lifting weights even swimming. As long as you’re being active.


Doing these two things will help use the muscles your body has instead of letting them waste away by sitting and improve your health and quality of life.