This Man Sold Everything To Travel America With His Family
Source: joehendricks.photography
Published: May 4, 2024

Chasing your dreams is not as easy as it sounds. Joe Hendricks, a photographer and travel enthusiast from US, has a dream to make a living as a professional photographer while traveling America.

Source: joehendricks.photography

To fulfill his dreams he sold his house, cars, most of his possessions and bought a 30ft Airstream for the family to live comfortably. Hendricks regrets not doing this while he was still young. He is living in a Airstream and traveling the world with his wife and 4 year old son.

Let’s take a look at his journey:

Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography
Source: joehendricks.photography