It’s no doubt that Muslim women who choose to wear headscarves in the Western world face many challenges, but this one dancer is not letting that stop her from her dream of becoming the first professional hijabi ballerina.
Source: Instagram
Stephanie Kurlow, who is a 14-year-old girl from Sydney, Australia; hopes to break the stereotype and become the first hijabi – Islamic veiled woman – ballerina.
Kurlow, converted to Islam along with her siblings, Australian father and Russian-born mother in 2010 and had initially feared the religion might derail her dream of dancing.
Source: Instagram
Kurlow hopes to turn her dream into reality by raising $10,000 to train full-time at ballet school. She also hopes to become certified to open her own performing arts school in Sydney.
Photo: Edwina Pickles
“Dancing is like flying for me. It makes me feel free,” Kurlowtold the Daily News website.