This Yogi Is Breaking Stereotypes Of What A Yogi Must Look Like
Published: May 16, 2024

Yogi Jessamyn Stanley started doing yoga to battle her depression. She started in 2011 and was instantly hooked to yoga, she is now a certified yoga instructor and what sets her apart from other yoga instructors is that she doesn’t look like a typical yoga instructor.

Here she is reading a book

I'm glad y'all are so hype about the @yogabodyfitness #yogatrapeze. Y'all asked for some fat friendly swing tutorials, specifically in order to hang vertically like I am in this photo. This sensation is glorious and heart warming and soul empowering, but it's also really fucking mentally intimidating for a novice. It requires an underestimated amount of hip flexion in order to get the ankles around the sides of the swing, and that increases two fold if you're swinging in a narrow doorframe or a closet.Once you catch the rhythm of this action, shit gets basic as fuck. But catching the rhythm is understandably intimidating. Since I had to hustle out of the house at the ass crack of dawn, I didn't have much time to get fancy but I did record a very basic (& handheld 🙄) swing inversion tutorial on my snapchat- Follow me (I'm @mynameisjessamy) to check it out!('JESSAMYN' gets you 10% off your @yogabodyfitness order, btw) Unrelated, oil pulling, charcoal toothpaste+face masks, & body brushing are new rituals that rock my fucking universe right now & they all keep showing up on my snap. I've read about these remedies in the past, but I didn't actively give a fuck about incorporating them in my life until I read @kathrynbudig's "Aim True". I've found Kathryn's personal saga of adapting homeopathic remedies and whole foods eating habits to be very inspirational. Like me, she came from a traditional American family where this kind of shit was the exception, not the rule, and her approach to natural living is very relatable. She also makes #vegan alternatives seem...doable, you know? And thanks to her, @amyippoliti's paleo life, & @adie_rose's vegan life tips (@adiethealien on snap), I've started the process of actually eliminating (most) dairy products from my diet. These hoes got me out here making homemade cashew cheese and LOVING IT, y'all. Anyway, check out Kbud's new book if you haven't already, and check out all of those beautiful humans on social media if you wanna make some healthy changes in your own life as well. Leggings- @lineagewear Bra- @torridfashion 📸 by bae @zoelitaker

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

Doing the splits like a boss

The fact that #hanumanasana/#monkeypose is such a regular part of my asana practice speaks volumes to the power of consistent vulnerability. Literally the only way I can ever practice this pose is if I allow my soul to be vulnerable to the universe. Throwback to practicing #splits & listening to @kendricklamar w/ the @shape_magazine team. I had a great time shooting w/ them & babygirl @kyliegilbert she wrote an awesome recap of our time together- you can check it out on the @shapemagazine website. Also, everyone has had so much to say about my armpit hair recently. I literally never notice it and I'm so glad that y'all do. It's like #alixolson says- "Armpit hair is simply mammally factual." 💯💯 Leggings- @k.deer Top- @vonscher_active

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

Doing what a majority of men can’t do

While warming up for today's @shape_magazine shoot, I practiced my #handstand game & my boo @kyliegilbert caught the evidence. You can watch BTS stuff on their snapchat and mine (@shape_magazine & @mynameisjessamy)! Recently, my home practice has been dominated by all kinds of handstand work, but I find myself only sharing little snippets of it on Instagram. I like charting my #hollowback progress so that shows up a lot, but the rest of my handstanding practice rarely makes it to this feed. I know why- it's because I like having something that's exclusively for me. It's hard having your personal practice on display- it takes a definite toll on the psyche when everyone has an opinion about the way your body moves. And while I only speak for myself, I've definitely heard this same spiel from other yoga practitioners who are active on social media. So I've been keeping my handstand practice away from public lenses, and enjoying the slow process of subtle and hard won rewards. But I'm glad this moment was caught today- it reminds me of how much I love just kicking up without any fear or concern for the future. Not to mention that everything about my body in this picture makes me happy. I mean, my knock knees give absolutely no fucks who knows about them. My belly is basically always sliding out of my pants. My side boob chub is ALWAYS sliding out of my sports bras when I practice #inversions (....ALWAYS.) I know there are people who want me to be ashamed of it, but I just can't get there. I spent decades in that pit of self-degradation. I'm fucking over it. For once, I actually do #lovemyshape, and I am not giving up that freedom for anything. Leggings- @k.deer Sports Bra- @shape_magazine 📸 by @kyliegilbert (Btw, @nolatrees- WHY THE FUCK ARE WE BOTH HANDSTANDING IN @k.deer leggings, I CAN'T.) (Also, this #inversion is dedicated to baby girl @rebekahletch bc her #handstands inspire me all day long.)

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

Doing the crow with a student


She didn’t think her practicing yoga would inspire many people, she is happy to be an inspiration to people by doing what she loves


You can follow her on Instagram here