Turns Out She Didn’t Go To Her Honeymoon Alone
Published: Jul 14, 2024

Huma was accompanied with her in-laws to her husband-less honeymoon, little did she know that a brigade of photo-shopped memes are to follow. Like they say the internet is a funny place.

But Oh well! the lonely honeymooner does not have to feel alone anymore. (At least on the internet)!

Here are some of the people who just could not resist taking a selfie with her.

1. The selfie-king decided to have a selfie with the lonely honeymooner.

2. She looks rather scared standing this close to Bhai!

3. Bhala yeh Jeena bhi koi Jeena hai?

4. Of course she had to get emotional taking a picture with this one.

5. Javed Chaudry just could not resist taking a selfie with her.

All Photos are taken from here.