Two men escaped from a maximum security prison in upstate New York just like a scene from the movie The Shawshank Redemption. In the movie, Andy Dufrane escapes from prison by digging a tunnel and breaking through the prison walls.
Two murderers named Richard Matt, 48, and David Sweat, 34, some how managed to get their hands on power tools and successfully managed to escape the prison, in am imitation from the movie.
They cut through the steel back walls of their cells, clambered along a six foot high catwalk to access a twisting series of pipes.
The best part? They left a note for their jailers before escaping!
How they acquired the tools and made their way around the tunnels is still a mystery. But there is massive manhunt ongoing for these two men. It is believed that they plan to escape to Canada.
Let’s hope they get caught soon! But WHAT a reality check for the jailers, huh? So much for being a maximum security prison.