Tyrion Lannister Riding A Scooter Gets Photoshopped And It Will Make Your Day
Published: Jun 24, 2024

Peter Dinklage who rose to fame through his character as Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones was caught riding a scooter. The internet saw this as a hilarious opportunity to photoshop Tyrion in hilarious situations.

Here is the original image

Source: imgur.com

Here are the hilarious photoshopped images

1. A Lannister will always find a way to win

Source: imgur.com

2. Tyrion would probably survive in The Walking Dead on his scooter.

Source: imgur.com

3. Tyrion can ride with whoever he wants. He’s a bad-ass.

Source: imgur.com

4. Who do you think led the army against Jon Snow?

Source: imgur.com

5. Ironically he was in X-men day of future past

Source: imgur.com