Vin Diesel Shared a Touching Picture With His Daughter Paying Tribute to Paul Walker
Published: Jun 13, 2024

Diesel shared a really touching picture of himself with his daughter paying tribute to his late friend and Fast & the Furious co-star, Diesel is seen with his daughter and Walker is looking down on them in the picture. The caption reads, “Always.”


A photo posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

Diesel says that when he was expecting his first child, Paul Walker gave him some advice. He said that

“A lot of tough guys will tell you to wait in the hallway, don’t go in the delivery room. But Vin, go into that delivery room, be present and cut that umbilical cord and it will be the best day of your life.'”

Diesel took that advice during the birth of his third child last year, Diesel named his baby girl Pauline after his friend, who died tragically in 2013.

He had shared a cute video with his daughter earlier this week on his instagram. The caption reads “We made history this week…#F8“

We made history this week... #F8

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on