We Can Learn A Lot About Tolerance From These “Maulvis”, Says Hamza Ali Abbasi
Published: Apr 15, 2024

Hamza Ali Abbasi knows the art to steal the limelight. Recently, Hamza visited Madrasa in Islamabad where he met religious men and women.

Source: twitter

After the meetup this is what he said,

“In a Mosque/Madrasa in Islamabad, where hundreds of bearded men and hijabi women were gathered, I, an actor, a person from media, shared and discussed religious matters. We agreed and disagreed and had a great time yet none of these “Maulvis” branded me a hypocrite for talking about religion while being an actor, no one called me a Miraasi, nobody thought my input was any less than theirs.”

He further said,

“I was shown utmost love and respect and they valued my input on Islam. To those who bash Maulvis all the time, maybe sometimes we can learn a lot about tolerance from these'”Maulvis’.”

Source: twitter

Junaid Jamshed also praises Hamza’s opinion.