You’ve probably been sitting at a garden minding your own business until you feel an annoying itchiness in your arm or sometimes your leg. You start to scratch and you realise it’s a mosquito bite. You think “why me?”
Here’s why:
1. It’s your blood type
Mosquito’s like certain blood types. For people with Type-O blood are more likely to get bitten by mosquito because to them Type-O blood is like steak to them.
2. You exhale a lot of Co2
Mosquito’s have an organ called a maxillary pulp which helps them to locate their targets by smelling the carbon dioxide. So that’s what attracts them to you.
3. You’re hot
Who doesn’t want a hot meal? But jokes aside mosquitos are attracted to people with higher body temperatures and target victims by their sweat
4. Bacteria
There is bacteria on your skin as you read this, Researcher’s found that the amount of bacteria on your skin attracts mosquito. This is why mosquito bite our ankles and feet more as they have more bacteria.