Why Every Brown Girl Has A LOVE-HATE Relationship With Kajal!
Published: Jan 20, 2025

All of us know that kajal is enough to enhance your beauty and make you look like an absolute diva!

HATE: Rubbing your eye when you forget you’re wearing Kajal.

Source: Huffpost


LOVE: When smudge becomes style!

Source: Thebeautynerd

HATE: When you do one eye perfectly and replicating it is a nightmare.

Source: Gettyimages

LOVE: When you make the cat-eye as perfect as the tutorial!

Source: Giphy

HATE: Your first attempt at a dramatic Smokey eye.

Source: Ftp8

LOVE: When you finally get it right!

Source: Eyeshadowlipstick

HATE: Trying to get the taper on your wings thin enough

Source: Gettyimages

LOVE: When you master the art of winged eyes!

Source: Youtube

HATE: When trying to even out your kajal+liner takes more time than getting your entire make-up done

Source: Gettyimages

LOVE: When you get it right the first time!

Source: Youtube

HATE: If you make the mistake of falling asleep without removing it

Source: T-series

LOVE: When you look prettier with just kajal!

Source: Tumblr

HATE: When the same kajal makes you look like a raccoon.

Source: Colourmeglam

LOVE: When you look at yourself after 12 hours and your kajal is as perfect as it was in the morning!

Source: Tumblr

All you need is kajal to turn your diva look on.