Why You Crave Certain Foods
Published: May 27, 2024

Have you ever sat watching TV and started craving something like fries? Or even some chocolate? Speaking of chocolate I could really use some right now… ANYwho when you crave a certain unhealthy food item it’s probably because your body is craving something else. Here is what your craving really mean:

1. Chocolate


What you really want: Carbohydrates

If you’re dying for some chocolate chances are you really need carbohydrates. Our body turn carbohydrates into glucose which gives us energy. These cravings usually come in the middle of the day when our energy levels start depleting. So you’ll resort to craving some sweets or sugar to bring up your energy levels. Have oatmeal or hummus if you can instead

2. Fries


What you really want: Fat

If you’re dying for some fried chicken or any thing fried it means your body really wants some fat. Our bodies need fat to survive and restricting it makes your body crave it. Have healthy fats instead such as fishoil, nuts, dry fruit or add some olive oil to your food.

3. Chips


What your body really wants: Vitamin B

Craving something like chips means you want something salty, this means your body is either dehydrated. Your body also wants Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps de-stress the body and keep the immune system strong.

4. Coffee


What your body really wants: Iron

Lack of iron can make us lazy, tired and lethargic. Instead of having coffee to give you that boost have more red meat, beans, daal and some cereals.