Women On Wheels - A Step Towards Women Empowerment

City Traffic Police with the assistance of Special Monitoring Unit on Law & Order conducted a rally of women motorcyclists. At least 150 participated in “Women on Wheels” (WoW) rally in Lahore.
The basic purpose of the rally was to encourage female bike riding. Prominent lawyer and human rights activist Asma Jahangir, Austrian Ambassador Brigitta Balaha and other prominent personalities also attended the rally to support participants.
At this moment, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif announced that about 1,000 pink scooters would be given to working women and students at a 50 per cent subsidised rate under the WoW project. The distribution will start on International Women’s Day on March 8.
He further added
“The training plan was initiated in order to explore that women are always ready for every phase of life” Sharif said.