12 Reasons Why Lawyers Make The Best Partners
Published: Nov 7, 2024
When you think of a lawyer, you think, aggressive, argumentative and loaded. They maybe all those things, but there is more to a lawyer than just knowing they are rich. They are passionate and would do anything for the ones they love. Here are 12 reasons why lawyers make the best partners.
1. First off, your parents would be elated.
2. They are always dressed to impress, after all first impressions are very important. And everyday is a first impression to them.
3. You can have an intelligent conversation with them.
They will teach you A LOT, especially about history! Even if the say they hate history.
4. Lawyers are also very eloquent, if those intelligent conversations weren’t enough, they’ll smooth talk you into falling in love with them eventually.
5. You will get to know about your rights as a citizen that you never knew before.
6. You can rest easy knowing that they will respect your freedom.
7. You will get to attend a lot of fancy parties.
8. Negotiating is their basic quality, if you ever have a fight with them, they will know exactly how to resolve one.
What were we fighting about again?