If you’re a student chances are you’re going to give a presentation. It doesn’t matter which school you go to, you WILL give a presentation in your life.It annoys you that you even have to give the presentation, why can’t the teacher do her own reading? We all know how much working in a group sucks but giving a presentation be it alone or in a group is worse.
Here’s why:
1. The teacher expects the presentation to be as long as she wants it.
Be it 5 minutes or 15 it has to be that long!
2. If you’re in a group no one wants to go first
3. If you’re the group leader that means you’re doing the bulk of the work
And you’re probably going first

4. You can never decide which animations to use on power-point
5. If you put too many points the teacher will say it was too text heavy
6. If you don’t put too many points the teacher will say you should have put more text
7. You’re nervous on the day for no reason
Your palms are unnecessarily sweaty
8. Even though you may have practiced thousands of times you still mess up and stutter here and there
9. You realise the teacher is the only one listening
Everyone else is yawning and waiting for it to end
10. others are making funny noises/faces in the back
11. You’re relieved when it’s over
As soon as you’re done with the presentation-
12. Once you are done you have no idea why you were worried in the first place
13. But you’d never do it again