If you’re a guy, chances are you have wondered whether a girl likes you or not. It’s understandable, girls are really confusing! They’ll say one thing but mean something else. They’ll give you subtle signs that even they can’t see. But worry not, here are some sure signs that a girl likes you:
1. Prolonged eye contact
Hopefully she’s not staring at something on your face but is genuinely attracted to you. A prolonged gaze is usually a sign of interest. Unless you’re having a professional conversation, in which case, it doesn’t count.
2. Dilated pupils
A persons pupils dilate when they see something they like, if they dilate when she looks at you that’s a good sign because it means she likes what she’s looking at.
3. She faces you with her whole body
If you’re talking to someone and they just turn their head to talk to you chances are they aren’t interested. But if they turn their whole body to talk to you, that’s a pretty good sign.
4. She enters your personal space
When someone likes you they won’t get uncomfortable if you invade their personal space. They’ll probably be invading yours to show interest.
5. Her feet face you
The feet never lie, when in a group notice, where her feet are pointed if they’re towards you that’s a great sign. If they’re crossed, she’s not interested.
6. Mirrors you
She copies you without realising it. If it is done subconsciously, it originates from a pure intention of ‘joining’ or ‘liking’ that person.
7. She touches you
If she finds excuses to touch you or does it by mistake often that’s a good sign. Also means she can’t keep her hands off you.
8. She texts you instantly
If you text her, reply immediately, or within a few short minutes, chances are she was waiting for you to text, playa!
9. She find things to talk to you about.
When with her, you don’t have to be the one doing all the talking, she finds things to talk about and carries on the conversation too.
10. She’s eager to hang out
If she’s busy but still makes time to hang out with you, she really likes you, bro’.
11. She plays with her hair around you
It’s to get your attention and for you to notice her and her femininity.
12. You’ve never seen her look bad
She will always look her best around you, you’ll never see a hair out of place when you see her. It’s not because she looks good all the time it’s because she puts in hours to look good for YOU!
13. She doesn’t check her phone around you
When she’s with you, she gives you complete attention.
14. She laughs at your jokes, the lame ones too
Laughing is a good sign but if she’s laughing at your lame jokes, chances are she wants you to like her back.