Being short come’s with a lot of problems. And no matter what, you will always be referred to as that small person. That being annoying in itself there are a lot of other problems short people face that no one can relate to.
Here are 15 points no tall person can relate to:
1. You always have to look up to others
And they always look down on you
2. You’ll either be in the front or won’t be seen in pictures at all
3. You can get lost in crowds very easily
4. You need a stool in the kitchen to get things done
5. Sometimes your feet don’t touch the ground when you sit on certain chairs and sofas
6. People actually try to pick you up! WTF
7. Sometimes you have to walk faster to keep up with your tall friends
8. You hear the same stupid nick name
Wow, so original.
9. Buying clothes can be difficult.
10. You’re never intimidating enough
11. You were never anyone’s first pick in sports
You just looked like you wouldn’t do well.
12. Reaching for things is a nightmare
13. Girls never notice short guys :/
Girl: No, I don’t date small guys
14. You’re always pulling the drivers seat forward when you drive
15. Going in for hugs is awkward
You’re either hugging their chest or their stomach…
But remember your personality is bigger than anything else, so don’t fret. Your size does not define you!