Finding out whether a guy likes you or not can be tricky business. He’s giving you a lot of attention but he gives every girl the same amount of attention. If you want to find out whether a guy likes you or not, here are some signs you should look out for.
1. When he smiles, you can see his teeth
When a man smiles and you can see his front teeth it means it’s a genuine smile and he is actually happy. Probably, happy to see you!
2. His eyebrows are raised
Raised eyebrows are a sign of interest. If he’s interested in what you’re talking about or in you his eyebrows will be raised
3. He compliments you
If he’s always ready with compliments whenever he see’s you, chances are he wants you to know he likes you.
4. He notices little things about you
Like the colour of your eyes
5. He texts you about the most random things just to talk to you
If he texts you out of the blue, he wants to carry on a conversation with you.
6. Always trying to talk to you
7. Actually listens to everything you say
If he remembers points from stories you told him weeks ago chances are he hangs on to your every word because… he likes you!
8. Leans in a bit more while talking to you
9. When you walk together he walks beside you
If he’s walking beside you it’s because he see’s you as an equal
10. Acts a bit different when you’re around
If he’s more playful when you’re around or more jolly, you’re the reason he’s acting different. He wants you to notice him.

11. Buys you things
He probably doesn’t do that for everyone.
13. Opens up about himself
He wants to be open with you and bond about personal things so you guys can get closer.
14. Get’s close to you whenever you guys are together
15. He looks at you after cracking or hearing a joke
Usually after someone says a joke the person who wants to get closer to another looks at them right after to see if they’re laughing.
16. He looks at your lips while talking
If he looks at your lips while talking, you know what he’s thinking about.
Ladies, if a guy has been doing these things for you, chances are he likes you. Even if he denies it, he does like you.