17 Super Crazy Things That Happen To You When You Fall In Love!

Falling in love is beautiful! It is the start of a chemical roller-coaster in your brain. You feel things that you have never felt before and you do things that you wouldn’t under any other circumstances. Here’s what happens when you fall in love:
1. Your heart beats faster. DHAK! DHAK! DHAK!

2. And you blush for abso-frigging-lutely no reason

3. You can feel butterflies in your stomach. FOR REAL!

4. You tend to smile more.
5. You simply CAN’T STOP thinking about them
6. You can’t sleep at night because you CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM!
7. You are forgetful because your head is busy THINKING ABOUT THEM!
8. All the romantic comedies and love stories start to make sense to you

9. You sing love songs that you hated earlier

10. And you feel like dancing even without music
11. You do stupid things without even realising it,
Like telling your friends, on a boys-night-out, about how beautiful a single rose is.

12. You can’t stop looking at them
13. You want to be with them all the time
14. But when they are around, you act weird
15. Chills run down your body in case of any physical contact with them
16. It makes you happy. VERY HAPPY!