We live in a patriarchal society and we have seen all kinds of men. Some men actually deserve your respect but there are a few you simply hate.
Here’s a list of men every Pakistani woman hates:
1. The I-am-the-best guy
He thinks he is a God’s gift to mankind. His narcissism is unbearable.
2. The misogynist
Okay, a woman can never love a guy who hates women. These guys hate women. They blame women for everything wrong in this world. Ironically, they still want a woman in their life to satisfy their needs!
3. The women-belong-in-the-kitchen guy
This guy believes in strict gender roles. Women belong in the kitchen, iron clothes and clean the house. This guy wouldn’t even pick up his plate from the table because he thinks it’s a woman’s job.
4. The forever tharki
These creepy creatures are found in abundance all over the world. They are crazy for women!
5. The guy who stares at you like he can see through your clothes
No matter what you are wearing, this guy will stare you like he can see through your clothes. Their eyes are like X-ray machines.
6. The phattu
The guy who has zero guts to take a stand for something wrong!
7. The stalker
This guy can be anyone - Your brother, your best friend, your partner! Some guys just love to stalk. And Facebook is their favourite stalking place.
8. The wrong number guy
This guy calls you 20 times in 5 minutes and makes sure you receive “Good morning” and “Good night” text messages EVERY-FRIGGING-DAY. He talks to you like you are his long lost love!
9. The mela boy
He is just so tacky! He wears weird clothes, baths in perfume, dip his hair in gel and has no sense of style.
10. The playboy
He flirts with EVERY girl and he has more girlfriends than your birthdays!
11. The over possessive guy
“Don’t talk to boys”, “Why did he comment on your picture?” - This guy is so possessive that he suffocates you with his petty concerns. He even suggests shutting down your Facebook profile or limiting everyone except him.
12. The control freak
This guy believes he is the only one who can make decisions and everything has to be done his way! He even tells you what to wear!
13. The I-love-my-video-games-more-than-anyone-in-this-world-guy
This guy should marry his video games!
14. The loser
This guy sucks at his studies, he doesn’t have a job and quits almost everything he starts. He is a good for nothing guy.
15. The baap-ke-paise-par-aish guy
This guy doesn’t earn a penny himself but has a luxurious lifestyle, all thanks to his rich dad. His ambition in life is to spend his dad’s money!
16. The sexist and anti-feminist creep
The guy who makes sexist comments and does not believe in gender equality doesn’t deserve any respect or love from the opposite gender.
17. The guy who takes forever to reply
No one is busy all the time. If he takes forever to reply, he probably takes you for granted.
18. The Mama’s boy
Loving your mom is one thing but being a mama’s boy is not acceptable. He should be able to make his own decisions and not ask his mom’s permission for everything.
19. The self-righteous guy
This guy thinks he is morally superior to everyone and that it is his moral responsibility to judge everyone and show them the right way!
20. The needy guy
This guy doubts himself and needs constant reassurance about his relationship, work and friendships. Grow a spine needy guy.
21. The angry young man
Anger is not charming. This guy needs to lighten up. Stop picking a fight with everyone you see.
22. The superman who thinks he can rescue you from all evil
Mr Rescuer, thanks for your services but we really don’t need your help. Go find another job!
23. The baby!
This guy never grows up. He is always going to be an irresponsible and careless brat.
24. The unhygienic boy
He doesn’t wash his face or feet, showers once a week and never trims his nail. EWW!